Conversational Norms
Highly Recommended: The Aunties Dandelion Podcast
TOP 10: How to Facilitate an Affinity Group
Preparing for Truth and Reconciliation Week
Have you considered auditing yourself?
Wrapping My Head Around White Supremacy Culture
Fun Summer Reads and More
Moving Beyond Allyship.
Affinity Groups Are Like Teams
What is the value of participating in a white accountability group?
Are affinity spaces divisive?
Learn How to Apologize
#CancelCanadaDay: Reflecting on Accountability
What's the right term: POC, BIPOC, PGM?
Are Affinity Groups Divisive?
Highly Recommended: Advice about Indigenous Allyship
GSA or LGBTQ2S+ Affinity Group: What's the Difference?
June is National Indigenous History Month
Wanting to Start an Affinity Group at your School?
Highly Recommended: White Supremacy and Violence Beyond the Bullets