Lindsay Core identifies as a queer, white, cisgendered woman, settler, educator, and parent who is a farm girl at heart. Her ancestors settled on the traditional territory of the Chippewa, Odawa, Potawatomi and Delaware Nations. For her, a perfect day would be spent enjoying and noticing the beauty and wonder of the natural world through the eyes of her daughter. Before drawing to a close, the day would also include reading the Saturday newspaper, listening to an episode of the Casey Kasem Top 40: 80s edition, enjoying the companionship of family over a meal, working on a quilting project, and opening to the middle of a good novel.
Lindsay’s career as an educator has been varied as she has worked with students at nearly every level of their educational path from elementary through post-secondary. One of the most influential endeavours in Lindsay’s career was training to become a facilitator for The National SEED Project. Having always loved connecting with students by exploring ideas and discussing social issues, SEED provided a framework to build conversational communities focused on driving social change. As an educator, Lindsay promotes understanding by empowering people to explore big ideas through individual stories.
Every time she reads the Universal Declaration of Human Rights Lindsay feels awed by both its content and by the fact that it exists at all. Consider the listening, and understanding, and seeking to understand that was required for the creators of the UDHR to have written a document that is both so visionary and so fundamental. The rights delineated are hopeful and inspiring, but also so basic that they have been agreed upon by 192 countries. It’s an amazing feat. Article One of the UDHR states that “All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.” Imagine if even just this single article was truly enacted. That every person is born free and equal, not just in rights but also in dignity. Imagine if we each acted towards each other and to our planet with reason and conscience in a spirit of goodwill and hope.
Lindsay believes that by coming together in affinity spaces we can embody Article One of the UDHR by seeing the dignity in each person, and that we can act with conscience as we examine our individual roles in creating a better world. She believes that as a queer person who has seen her own human rights progressively achieved in the past twenty years, it is now important to show up and do the work to help others live in dignity and in rights. She also believes that as a white woman, it is important to show up to help other white people learn to talk about race in a good and brave way.
M.Phil. - The Theory and Practice of Human Rights, University of Oslo
B.Ed. - Practical, Pedagogical Education, University of Oslo
B.A. - Political Science and Canadian Studies, University of Guelph